Hello Friends!
1. What's your name→ Sashu
2. Nicknames→ Sash, CK
3. Homeland→ Kerala.
4. Zodiac sign→ Scorpio
5. Male or female or transgendered → Female
6. Elementary→ Abroad.
7. Schools → 3 schools
8. Colleges → Calicut Medical College for Bachelors; BITS, Pilani for Masters (current)
9. Height → 5.4" :(
10. Hair color → Brownish black
11. Long or short → Intermediate for now
12. Do you have a crush on someone? → Hmmm ....yeah, since the past few years!!!!
13: Ever been in love? --- I am in Love.
14. Piercings → Yeah! Ears and Nose!! I love it :D .
15. Tattoos → Interested ....Someday!!
16. Righty or lefty → Righty.
17. First piercing → I don' remember even! :P
18. First best friends → A handful of them!! :)
19. First sport you joined→ Karate?? I quit too soon though :P If not, Basket ball at school
20. First pet → None .
21. First vacation → Hmmm...Guess it was to India (I were born abroad) :D
22. First concert → I attended? Too late, In college I gather
23. First crush → In first Grade - Mike :D
24. Eating → A foodie .
25. Drinking → Naah!
26. I'm about to → Go out.
27. Listening to → Shakira
28. Last beverage → Iced Tea at Coffee Beans :P.
29. Last phone call → Mr. Pea in half sleep.
30. Last text message → To a school friend, after ages.
31. Last song you listened to → Behind Blue Eyes
32. Last time you cried → A week back?
33. Dated someone twice → Nope, unless you count Mr.Pea and me, we have been dating for years now :D
34. Been cheated on? → Hope not :D
35. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Never ever!!
36. Lost someone special? → Yes... It still hurts.
37. Been depressed?→ Mood Swings are my second nature.
38. Been drunk and threw up? → Naah!
39. Made new friends → Yes, always do :)
40. Fallen out of love → Well.. Some days I do. And then fall right back in!
41. Laughed until you cried → Yes... Almost always wen I laugh :D
42. Met someone who changed you → Yes. A friend.
43. Found out who your true friends were → Yes, still finding..
44. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah, I like that :P
45. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → Yes!
46. Made the first Move → Lol...For what?? :D
47. Do you have any pets → Naa...can't handle pets.
48. Do you want to change your name → Never
49. What did you do for your last birthday → Just the normal. Party with friends at hostel
50. What time did you wake up today – 7.30 am
51. What were you doing at midnight last night→ Talking to Mr. Pea
52. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Getting married? :D :D
53. Last time you saw your father → Been a month :( I miss him
55. Most visited webpage → Gmail
56. Bribed someone? → Nopez. I charm my way mostly!
57. Played with dolphins? → At the dolphin parks, yes!
58. Want kids? → Absolutely
59. Want to get married ? → Can't wait :D
60. Careers in mind? → Scientist - Discover medicines!.
61. Settling in a Big Villa? → Naah, a small one would be just fine!
62. Day or night? →Night, no doubt!
63. What day is tomorrow? → GOOD Day :)
64. Challenges? → Complete my research in another 4 months time!
65. Drive with windows up or down? → Windows down, wind blowing...love it.
66. Scared of Death? → Mine - no. My loved one's - Yes!
67. Cook or Clean? → Clean
68. Lips or eyes → Eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
70. Shorter or taller → Taller
71. Older or Younger → Both :P
72. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice stomach :P
74. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
76. White light or Yellow light. → White light
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble Maker.
78. Kissed a stranger → Not yet :P
79. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes, many a time - Glasses!
80. Found money on the road → No.
81. Sex on first date → Lol. He ain't that lucky :P
82. Broken someone's heart → Yes
83. Had your own heart broken → No
84. Held a snake? → Yes.
85. Been arrested → Hmmm... just miss :P.
86. Turned someone down → Yes
87. Cried when someone died → Yes ....
88. Liked a friend that is a girl/boy? → Eh?
89. Yourself → Of course !!! I do.
90. Miracles → Yes. I believe in them!
91. Love at first sight → Never.
92. Heaven → Yes
94. Peace in this lifetime → All around me.
95. Kissing on the first date? → Possible; but not probable!
96. Angels → Kids
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes. With Mr.Pea :(
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time in the past? → Can't manage one; forget more than one!
100. Certain things are so important that they need to be discovered alone --> Shhhhhh...!!!
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My Blog List
Finding Rhythm: Walking into a New Flow19 hours ago
Pray1 year ago
Our anchors4 years ago
Work life balancing act5 years ago
Marooned in Kerala6 years ago
Ah! Irony?!8 years ago
Self is looking for the Self9 years ago
Every 4 years, my world changes!10 years ago
Review of Aurangzeb11 years ago
The Advantages of Life Insurance12 years ago
Nurses strike: White Revolution 2.013 years ago
It's been a while...13 years ago
The Bohemian Girl!13 years ago
Leadership Series, September 17, 201113 years ago
singing along13 years ago
SHIT Happens!!!!13 years ago
Joh Dhiktha Hai, Woh Bhiktha Hai15 years ago
I have shifted:D15 years ago
A rose by any other name...16 years ago
From Russia and Pakistan, with love ;p16 years ago
Butterfly Award

Thanks to Usha mema n Praveen!
Free Spirited and Independent Blogger Award

Thanks to Usha mema, Shalini, Praveen n Rini!